Dealing with Nausea When Travelling

There are many things can happen during your journey to your travel destination. There are possible hassles you have to face in the middle of it all which can put you in bad mood such as delay flight, long line, or getting sick. Yes, it is easier for people to get sick during a trip because their body is more exposed to potential threats such as germs, virus, etc. some travelers may experience getting sick during their trip and some others don’t. The severity of sickness experienced by every traveler may also be varied. One of the most common sickness is nausea. It is not a serious thing that can put your life in danger during your trip. However, it can make you feel uncomfortable throughout your journey.

Tips to overcome nausea when travelling

There are many reasons why people experience nausea during their trip. Most travelers who experience this type of sickness is those who are on cruise trip. Nausea is one of the symptoms of motion sickness. Some people also get nausea just from inhaling bad smells, or experience lack of oxygen. Here are some tips to stay healthy and deal with nausea during your trip:

  • If you are prone to motion sickness, it is highly recommended to take medicine before your departure so nausea can be prevented. Aside from nausea, symptoms of motion sickness include dizziness. It can make you uncomfortable throughout your trip so you’d better make precaution by taking necessary medicine.
  • Nausea can happen anytime anywhere. If it happens so suddenly, do not panic and take a deep breath. Your nausea can be triggered by the lack of oxygen. Thus, try to regulate your breathing before continuing your journey. Take a few minutes to inhale fresh air.
  • Change your position if you start feeling nausea. If you were standing when feeling nausea try to sit down comfortably with comfortable position. Do not pull your hair or squeeze your stomach when nausea happens because those won’t do anything to make it better. Calm yourself and take a deep breath in your new position.
  • Drink water when you feel nausea because dehydration can trigger it. Thus, you need to make sure that your body stay hydrated. Drink mineral water to replenish your lack of water. If mineral water only make it worse, try water with mild flavor. You can also try drinking a cup of tea because it can calm your nerves and overcome nausea. Avoid coffee or alcoholic beverages.
  • Nausea can be triggered by hunger or lack of sugar in your system. Therefore, it is better to pause your journey and take time to eat something before continuing your journey. It is highly recommended to start with light meals such as crackers toe ae your stomach. Then, you can proceed to eat heavier meals to replenish your blood sugar. It is highly recommended to always eat something before starting your activities during your vacation. Getting sick in the middle of your vacation can ruin the mood and it is not worth it.
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